Spring is here and we’re celebrating Earth Day this weekend. But that’s not all! The Saltscapes East Coast Expo is on and you can do a little crafting, catch a movie, and grab a burger for a good cause. We’re finding the best weekend events in the Halifax Region so families of all ages and interests can enjoy their time together. While we’ve highlighted some of the top picks in our Weekend Guide, remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg — keep an eye on our 日历 甚至更多!

请继续阅读 19 月 21 日至 XNUMX 日的周末指南。


1. Saltscapes东海岸博览会

The Saltscapes East Coast Expo is this weekend, for a celebration of all the things we love about the East Coast!

2. Discovery Centre Earth Day

Head to the Discovery Centre all weekend to celebrate Earth Day with hands-on activities. Earth Day is on Monday, and you can find other events here.

3. 自然历史博物馆的恐龙探索


4. 迈克尔斯手工制作

Head to a Michaels Store this Sunday afternoon for MakeBreak! It’s an opportunity for the family to do a little crafting. Supplies are included, but you will need to ‘buy the base.’ This week is Totally Tie Dye!

5. 电影院家庭最爱

Cineplex 知道带全家人出去看电影要花多少钱。这就是他们创建 Cineplex Family Favourites 的原因:您最喜欢的季节性电影,每周六上午 3.99:11 仅售 00 美元*。这周他们在玩 忍者神龟:突变混乱.

6. 哈利法克斯汉堡狂欢

Need an excuse to get a burger? Well, the Halifax Burger Bash is a fundraiser for Feed Nova Scotia and it’s still on this weekend!

7. 农民市场



对本月发生的其他事件感到好奇吗?查看 四月的家庭友好活动,并且不要忘记继续查看我们的 儿童课程夏令营指南 随时了解最适合您孩子的课外活动。

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如需哈利法克斯周边所有最佳活动的完整列表,请点击我们的 日历,并通过我们的网站关注所有当地最好的家庭活动 Facebook Instagram. 别忘了 订阅我们的每月电子通讯.