Posted on: September 28, 2017
September 2017 Fall is a beautiful, if too short, season in Calgary. We try to make the most of it, as busy as we are, because the weather can be pleasant and the foliage is simply lovely. So, this past weekend I found myself, with my three kids, at Calaway
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Posted on: August 21, 2017
August 2017 Okay, so we promised pictures of the new playground at Confederation Park, and they’re finally here! Confederation Park is one of Calgary’s biggest parks, and it has a new playground, built in honour of Canada’s 150th birthday. Earthscape, the Canadian designer and builder for the Confederation Park playground project, incorporates
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Posted on: August 21, 2017
August 2017 The Calgary Zoo is a must-do attraction for our family, and even more so when there is a brand-new exhibit! So when friends came to visit us in Calgary this summer, it was obvious that a visit to the zoo and the Land of Lemurs was in order.
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