¿Quieres que tus hijos se muevan este verano? Intentar Campamentos de verano de Sportball! ¡El mismo gran grupo que ofrece clases multideportivas y específicas de deportes durante todo el año hará que sus hijos corran, salten, aprendan y jueguen durante todo el verano!

Using the Sportball Methodology, coaches provide programming with a purpose. Every game, skill, and activity has a desired outcome and works to help build confidence, competency and physical literacy in participants. Plus, they’re just plain fun! Kids from age 4 and up will have a blast at Sportball and love the sense of accomplishment they feel from mastering new skills. Each day of Sportball summer camp is filled with games from 8 popular sports, and fun theme based activities to keep things fun and interesting.

Sportball Summer Soccer & T-Ball

Popular Sportball Summer Camps:

Epic Camp
This camp lets your child learn nine different sports throughout the week while having a whole lot of fun. They are going to love the daily Epic Time featuring water gun fights, sweet science experiments, art challenges, dodgeball, Lego building, Nerf battles, and much more!

Semana Friki
¡Abraza a tu friki interior! En el mundo de Sportball, ser un geek significa tener el coraje de explorar lo desconocido y descubrir nuevas y emocionantes aventuras. ¡Disfruta de un tema diferente cada día de Geek Week que incluye experimentos científicos locos, batallas Nerf, desafíos en equipo, construcción de lego, juegos de rol de acción en vivo y una amplia variedad de deportes!

Einsteins Athletes
El deporte y la ciencia se unen en este divertido e interactivo campamento. Einstein's Athlete's combinará juegos y actividades físicas con increíbles experimentos y demostraciones científicas. ¡Mantén la mente y el cuerpo activos durante esta increíble semana de campamento!

Sportball Multisport Summer Camps

Sportball Summer Camps are offered in half-day and full-day options throughout July and August. Find them in a wide variety of locations around Edmonton, as well as Spruce Grove, Devon, St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc, and Beaumont. See all locations and summer camp offerings AQUÍ.

Sportball has been getting kids moving and instilling a love of sport since 1995. Their goal is to offer positive experiences and ensure all athletes feel success so they are motivated and excited to continue. Sportball’s benefits aren’t limited to physical skills and athleticism – they include life and social skills that translate off the playing field. Registro to be part of the fun this summer!

Campamentos de verano de Sportball:

¿Cuándo? Los campamentos se realizan semanalmente, del 2 de julio al 30 de agosto de 2024
Lugar: Various locations throughout Edmonton, Spruce Grove, Devon, St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc, and Beaumont
Email: edmonton@sportball.ca
Pagina web: Campamentos de verano de Sportball