“Mom, have you heard of a movie about Charlie and the chocolate factory?” asked my 8 year old daughter.
My initial thought was of the Technicolor adaptation from the 1970’s starring Gene Wilder that every child in the 70’s and 80’s saw. My next thought however the 2005 version was starring the always intriguing Johnny Depp (I am a 30 something woman after all…). However she was specifically talking about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and wanted to know if we could watch it some time. Since it’s not on Netflix and our public library doesn’t have a copy I’m on a mission to find one for a family movie night because I like to indulge her pure imagination
Then it occurred to me that her timing is impeccable. It is author Roald Dahl’s birthday on September 13th and what better way to celebrate the birth of a beloved children’s author! He has delighted generations of kids and parents with his engaging stories, dark humor, bizarre characters and nutty endings. Works like The Gremlins, James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Twits, George’s Marvelous Medicine, and Matilda have found space on bookshelves for ages and will continue to provide laughs for years to come.
Can you imagine Roald Dahl at 97?