户外、动物和探险:完美的夏令营三部曲。 欢迎来到夏令营 红木猎人和套头衫 在温哥华!

传统上,骑马对于城市居民来说并不是一项容易上手的运动; 但作为温哥华人,我们非常幸运能够近在咫尺的 Southlands 社区。 Rosewood Hunters & Jumpers 坐落在 Southlands 社区内——从 Kerrisdale 步行或骑自行车即可到达,交通便利,位于主要公交路线上——堪称一颗隐藏的瑰宝。 在您转入车道的那一刻,各种形状、大小和颜色的马匹和小马就会迎接您。 从级别新手到经验丰富的表演选手,瑰丽酒店的车手表现出同样的多样性; 无论您的经验或目标如何,瑰丽酒店都能满足您的需求。 Camp Rosewood 骑马春假营地

At Camp Rosewood, children will have the opportunity to get to know many horses and ponies at the stable. In working with these gentle creatures, children not only hone riding skills in the saddle, but also learn all about horse care, grooming, feeding, and stable management. Horses and ponies teach children valuable lessons about communication, trust, perseverance, empathy, and problem-solving. They also teach responsibility, help children to gain confidence, and foster a sense of achievement each time the horse-human connection is made. In addition to time on the horses and ponies, campers will play games and participate in arts and crafts.

2021 年 Rosewood Hunters & Jumpers 夏令营

Camp Rosewood Summer Riding Camps are open to beginner and intermediate riders ages 4 – 16. If you’re looking to 存钱, book before 四月30th and pay $399 for a full week of activities, a Rosewood gift bag, and access to digital photos from the week. From May 1st onward, the regular summer camp rate ($520) applies.  Camps run for half days, the morning session is 9:00am -12:00pm, and the afternoon session is 12:30 – 3:30pm. Campers will cap off the week with a ‘horse show’ where they can demonstrate their new-found skills for family and friends.

Rosewood Hunters 和 Jumpers 的夏令营很快就会满员。 立即在线注册.

Rosewood Hunters & Jumpers 夏令营:

日期: 2年30月2024日-XNUMX月XNUMX日,每个营地为期一周。
时间:上午 9 点至中午 12 点和中午 12 点 30 分至下午 3 点 30 分
地理位置: 南地,温哥华
地址: 6926 Carrington Street(入口在第 53 大道),温哥华
电邮: info@rosewoodhj.com
您的网站: 红木家居网
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Rosewood-Hunters-and-Jumpers
Instagram: @rosewood.ridng.school