Canadian Independent Bookstore Day is an annual event (on April 27, 2024, this year) that celebrates and supports independent bookstores across Canada. It’s a day to appreciate the unique character and charm that independent bookstores in Halifax bring to our larger community. It’s a day to celebrate the hard-working booksellers who share their passion for literature with us. And it’s a day to recognize the vital role that independent bookstores play in promoting and preserving Canadian literature.

Halifax is home to many fantastic independent bookstores that share both new and used books. Each of these bookstores has its personality and character, and all of them offer a wonderful selection of books and gifts. Here are some of the independent bookstores in Halifax you might want to visit.

書籤:Bookmark 位於哈利法克斯市中心,60 多年來一直是社區的固定設施。 這家書店提供各種新書和舊書,以及禮品、文具和卡片。 Bookmark 還舉辦作者活動和讀書俱樂部,因此請務必查看他們的網站以了解即將舉行的活動。

達特茅斯圖書交易所: Dartmouth Book Exchange is located on Cole Harbour Road. They sell popular fiction, similar to what you might find at Chapters, with a great children’s section and French books as well.

John W. Doull Bookseller: Formally located in Halifax, JWD Bookseller has moved to Dartmouth, and requires a mention for its wealth of used books. Here you can find rare or out-of-print books. It’s a wonderland for book lovers.

King’s Co-op Bookstore: Located on Cobourg Road, King’s Co-op Bookstore calls themselves “Canada’s Hardest to Find Bookstore.” They frequently host events and they highlight Nova Scotia and Atlantic award winners. They also support Books Beyond Bars, a local collective involved in prison justice in Kjipuktuk/Halifax, getting books into the hands of those incarcerated.

縱帆船書籍: Schooner Books specializes in the Atlantic Province’s history and literature, and early Canadiana. They also have early children’s books that are both new and out of print. Find some hidden gems.

三叉戟書店和咖啡館: Trident is a unique independent bookstore that also doubles as a cafe. This bookstore is located on Hollis Street and offers a great selection of books and delicious coffee, tea, and baked goods. Trident also hosts live music and other community events, so check their website for upcoming events.

毛毛蟲: Woozles is Canada’s oldest children’s bookstore, and it’s been a beloved institution in Halifax for over 40 years. This charming bookstore is located on Shirley Street, and it offers a fantastic selection of books for kids of all ages. Woozles also hosts regular storytime events, author visits, and writing workshops.

這些只是哈利法克斯眾多值得在加拿大獨立書店日光顧的獨立書店中的一小部分。 花點時間參觀您當地的獨立書店,表達您對我們社區這一重要部分的支持。