Du bist gerne auf dem Laufenden? Verein registrieren für den monatlichen Family Fun Saskatoon Newsletter. Wir geben Ihnen einen Einblick in all die großartigen, bevorstehenden, familienfreundlichen Aktivitäten, die für Saskatoon geplant sind. 

The weekend has arrived and we’ve got your Family-friendly weekend events guide ready for you! Family Fun Saskatoon wants to let you in on all the fun of the season. If you get stir-crazy in the house this weekend, check out our Family-friendly Weekend Event Guide for May 3-5, 2024.

1. Saskatoon Entertainment Expo

The Saskatoon Entertainment Expo is on Saturday and Sunday. Prairieland will also be full of provincial and national vendors of all kinds, for a show that will appeal to adults and families.

2. Saskatoon Spring Craft Fairs, die Sie nicht verpassen sollten

The Spring Craft Fairs continue this weekend. You can check out our list and don’t forget that Saskatchewan’s Largest Outdoor Sale: Everything Country Outdoor Market is this weekend.

3. Machen Sie sich bereit für The Amazing Race Martensville!

The Amazing Race is returning to you in Martensville on Saturday! This family-friendly event encourages teams of up to 4 to take part in new exciting activities that make sure they get to see every part of Martensville!

4. Der SSO Buch- und Musikverkauf

This is the last weekend of the Spring SSO Book and Music Sale. Find your favourite books 10 am to 6 pm from Thursday to Sunday.

5. Bauernmarkt von Saskatoon

Kaufen Sie am Samstag oder Sonntag lokale Produkte auf dem Saskatoon Farmers' Market.

6. Teichtauchen mit jungen Naturforschern

The annual pond dipping field trip returns on Saturday. Join the Young Naturalists at Pike Lake Provincial Park for hands-on nature activities and search for wild dragons, damsels, fairies, frogs and more. You need to register early.

7. Entdeckungskino im Remai Modern

Join Discovery Cinema for a Saturday afternoon matinee series for all ages. This Saturday at 1 pm, catch Ru.

8. Kostenloser Comic-Book-Tag

Free Comic Book Day is back on Saturday! Visit your local comic book shop on this day for FREE COMICS! You can find the list of participating stores hier.

9. Sonntags-MakeBreak bei Michaels

Come in-store to Michaels and do a free craft! All supplies included! This Sunday is a Yayoi Kusama Inspired Painting.

10 Kaleidoskop: Eine Kunstfeier in der Nachbarschaft

On Sunday, join the opening party of Kaleidoscope: A Neighbourhood Art Celebration at the Buena Vista school grounds.

Aber warten Sie ... es gibt noch mehr Wochenendspaß!

Warum nehmen Sie nicht die ganze Familie mit zu einem Indoor-Spielplatz um etwas Dampf abzulassen oder einige auszuprobieren Spielplätze in Saskatoon!

Habt alle ein wunderschönes Wochenende! Genießen Sie Saskatoons Wochenend-Events!

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