What are you up to this weekend? Things are picking up with numerous events going on in Calgary this weekend, from splurges to budget-friendly options! As always, the Family Fun Calgary weekend guide is filled with the best weekend events so families of all ages and interests can enjoy their time together. Whatever your family is up to, we wish you a happy spring weekend!

如果您正在尋找課後樂趣,請查看我們的 兒童課程指南 並為你的春天添加一些活動。當您這樣做時,請在我們的幫助下解決您的夏天 夏令營指南!

Keep reading for the weekend guide for May 3 – 5.


1. 和托馬斯一起出去玩

Day Out With Thomas at Heritage Park begins this weekend, for an exciting opportunity to visit everyone’s favourite tank engine.

2. 星球大戰日

The so-called ‘Star Wars Day,’ May the 4th, falls on Saturday this year. We’ve found several free activities over the weekend, including free LEGO Make and Takes.

3. 重置社會二手書銷售

The Reset Society Used Book Sale is this weekend, so you can stock up on summer reading options.

4. 卡爾加里自行車交換

Need some new wheels? Visit the Calgary Bike Swap Sale on Saturday to buy used bikes that have been safety-checked.

5. Mucho Burrito Cinco de Mayo

Sunday is Cinco de Mayo and Mucho Burrito is celebrating by offering $6.99 burritos over the weekend.

6. 歡慶初中

科瓦邦加! Jubilations Junior 已準備好與您一起享受家庭樂趣 功夫龜。這是專為家庭設計的晚餐劇院體驗,演出  家人會喜歡的。

7. 電影院家庭最愛

觀看 Cineplex 家庭喜愛的電影是享受家庭時光的好方法,而且價格不會超出您的預算。 Cineplex Family Favourites 的門票每人僅需 3.99 美元(影院內價格,稅前),本週末將放映 旺卡。

8. Calgary Phil Symphony Sunday

This weekend is the last Symphony Sunday of the season with the Calgary Phil. They will be playing Saint-Georges’ Sword + Bow.

9. 邁克爾斯打破

Head to Michaels on Sunday afternoon for a family craft activity. You can create a Yayoi Kusama Inspired Painting. Supplies are included but you will need to ‘buy the base.’

可是等等 。 . . 還有更多!

看看我們的精彩 新競賽! You never know what you could win! (Spoiler Alert: It’s a VIP Circus Package!)

想要更多想法? 提前計劃看看 五月發生了什麼.

有關卡爾加里周圍所有最佳活動的完整列表,請單擊我們的 日曆 並通過我們的網站關注所有當地最好的家庭活動 Facebook 和 Instagram.

而且不要忘記 註冊帳戶 用於我們的每月電子通訊。 

您知道您可以將適合家庭的活動提交給我們嗎? 填寫 形成 提供您的活動詳細信息,我們將盡力將您的活動添加到我們的 活動日曆。