舞蹈是一种庆祝,一种快乐的表达,可以开发创造力,缓解压力,并为生活增添一点乐趣!你知道有些孩子只是需要磨练和运动。拥抱孩子们的能量,让他们在夏令营中跳舞 果断爵士舞曲 (DJD)。夏天是孩子们在安全的地方活动、玩耍、感受节奏的最佳时机!

DJD is a professional dance company in Calgary, dedicated to the evolving art of jazz dance. They offer professional training and outreach programs, plus they create original performances every year. As Calgary’s largest recreational dance school, they are passionate about what they do. They encourage their dance students and campers to experience how jazz music shapes movement and feeling, to explore the connection between personal expression and collaboration, and to enjoy the movement.

Summer dance camps at DJD are designed to inspire a love of dance in your child. The emphasis on having fun makes each week a celebration of creativity! Campers are encouraged to embrace challenges, expand their movement vocabulary, and build confidence. With new friendships and the life-long advantages of active creativity, your child will want to spend all summer at DJD!


Decidedly Jazz Danceworks has summer camps for kids from preschoolers to teenagers.  The littlest ones (ages 4 – 5 years) enjoy half-day camps and the older kids (ages 6 – 18) get to stay all day. The camps don’t just include jazz dance, either! With hip hop, general dance, and musical theatre, everyone has options. General dance camps include jazz, plus west african dance, funk and hip hop, contemporary dance, rhythm play, and creative dance and improvisation. All dance camp weeks include learning the basic building blocks and vocabulary of dance, creative improvisation through games and exploration, the history of dance, and rhythm exercises. At the end of the week, kids will enjoy sharing their dance with parents and friends. 找出最好的星期 适合您孩子的年龄和兴趣。



Decidedly Jazz Danceworks 的夏令营从 3 年 22 月 2024 日至 8 月 30 日每周举办一次。如果您在上午 4:30 之后下车并在下午 8:5 之前上车,则前后护理免费,但您可以支付少量费用长期护理费用(如有必要)从早上 25 点开始到下午 30 点结束。 您必须是 DJD 的有效会员才能为您的孩子注册,但会员费仅为一个人 XNUMX 美元,一个家庭 XNUMX 美元。

注册现已开放 早鸟价截止至 30 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日。夏季是探索运动、挑战自我和享受乐趣的好时机。 Jazz 已准备好让您的孩子体验这一切并庆祝舞蹈的乐趣!


时间: 每周,3 年 22 月 2024 日至 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日
时间: 上午 9 点至中午 12 点(半天); 上午 9 点至下午 4 点(全天)
地点: 果断爵士舞作品
地址: 111 12 Ave, SE, 卡尔加里, AB
咨询热线: 403-245-3533
网站: www.decidedlyjazz.com