How can it be the last weekend of April?! At least this week has felt a little more like spring, making it easier to get outside and burn off that legendary kid energy. What are you up to this weekend? As always, the Family Fun Calgary weekend guide is filled with the best weekend events so families of all ages and interests can enjoy their time together. Whatever your family is up to, we wish you a happy spring weekend!

如果您正在寻找课后乐趣,请查看我们的 儿童课程指南 并为你的春天添加一些活动。当您这样做时,请在我们的帮助下解决您的夏天 夏令营指南!

请继续阅读 26 月 28 日至 XNUMX 日的周末指南。


1. 卡尔加里漫画博览会

The Calgary Comic Expo is this weekend, filled with all things pop culture. It’s one of the biggest of its kind so you can get together with your fellow fans.

2. 欢庆初中

科瓦邦加! Jubilations Junior 已准备好与您一起享受家庭乐趣 功夫龟。这是专为家庭设计的晚餐剧院体验,演出  家人会喜欢的。

3. 电影院家庭最爱

观看 Cineplex 家庭喜爱的电影是享受家庭时光的好方法,而且价格不会超出您的预算。 Cineplex Family Favourites 的门票每人仅需 3.99 美元(影院内价格,税前),本周末将放映 彼得兔。

4. 迈克尔斯儿童俱乐部

Head to Michaels on Saturday morning and the kids can do a craft activity. They will be making Friendship Bracelets at the Kids’ Club this week.

5. Mastermind 玩具制造和使用

Mastermind Toys is doing a Creart Paint by Numbers Make and Take if you want to pop over one afternoon this weekend.

6. 松散的驼鹿儿童剧院

Loose Moose Theatre for Kids is presenting 年轻的亚瑟王 for a special night out.

可是等等 。 . . 还有更多!

看看我们的精彩 新竞赛! 你永远不知道你会赢得什么!

想要更多想法? 提前计划看看 四月发生了什么.

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