This summer, join Mission Jolly Productions on a fantastical, jolly, virtual, interactive adventure at one of the most magical and familiar places: the backyard. Blade and Pixie need your help to defeat the evil Thornilius and save the elf kingdom. Are you up to the challenge?
Watch and participate in “Backyard Warriors”, an episodic show series. Take part in the first three episodes of the show during August 27th-28th and come back to catch the exciting final episode on August 29th. Enter the Adventure Hub on their website right now for more fun activities led by the show’s magical characters, as well as put your name up on our Warrior Wall. It’s three days of fun and excitement for the whole family!
This event is FREE! To start your summer adventure, register here.
Mission Jolly Productions’ Backyard Warriors
When: August 27-29
Where: Online