Mini Pop Kids Live (Family Fun Calgary)
The Mini Pop Kids Are Coming to Town for Their Celebration Tour

The lights go dim. The excited chatter escalates for a split second, and then the atmosphere quiets in anticipation. Before you know it, the room erupts in excitement, lights, and singing, and the whole family gets swept away in the energy! That could be your family at a Mini Pop
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Classes for Kids in Calgary (Family Fun Calgary)
Classes for Kids: Best Lessons in Calgary ๐ŸŒผ SPRING Edition ๐ŸŒผ

Art, music, drama, sports, social clubs and educational enrichment … there are a lot of extracurricular activities that your kids could take part in. Here at Family Fun Calgary, we want to make it easier for you to find quality extracurricular programs that you AND your kids will love. It’s
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Best Birthday Parties in Calgary (Family Fun Calgary)
Find the Best Birthday Parties in Calgary with Our Birthday Party Guide!

Birthday parties are a highlight forย kids, but they can be a lot of work for the parents! Between sorting out food and presents, it can be a challenge to come up with fun ideas your kids will love for a memorable birthday party. But you also want something that won’t
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Little Free Library Calgary (Family Fun Calgary)
Adventure in an Afternoon: Take a Book, Leave a Book at Calgary’s Little Free Libraries

Need a book? Take a book! Have a book? Leave a book and share the love of reading! You may have seen little boxes and stands filled with books when you’ve been walking or biking around your neighbourhood. These Little Free Libraries are a fun initiative to easily swap books.
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Best Spring Break Camps in Calgary (Family Fun Calgary)
Best Spring Break Camps in Calgary

Does your family have to juggle work and days off school during spring break? Even though kids get a week off school, Mom and Dad might not be so lucky. But you can still give the kids a week to look forward to, while you save your vacation time for
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Date Night (Family Fun Calgary)
Grab Your Love (or a Friend)! In Honour of Valentine’s Day, Plan a February Date Night

Ah, Valentine’s Day, when the thoughts of parents turn to leaving their kids at home with a babysitter and going out for an evening that doesn’t involve sippy cups and colouring sheets. I don’t know about you, but when I had young kids, I was happy to grab a coffee
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SUPERTRAIN (Family Fun Calgary)
All Aboard for SUPERTRAIN – Canada’s Best Model Train Show! (Now in a NEW and Bigger Location!)

The shriek of the train whistle, a wave from a cheerful conductor, and the romance of the rails — it all adds up to a love of trains! The clackety-clack of a train captures the imagination of everyone from the littlest tykes to their parents and grandparents. This April, it’s
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KidStrong Spring Break Camps (Family Fun Calgary)
KidStrong Spring Break Camp: Discover Your Child’s Superpower!

We think our kids are amazing, just the way they are! But we also want them to have the tools they need for the future. KidStrong Camp is designed to help parents empower their kids to discover their superpowers and become their best selves. Your child can be stronger, learn
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