Royal Ontario Museum

ROM Great Whales
The ROM Gets Personal with Great Whales Exhibit

Originally published August 21, 2021 It seems like ages since we saw the Royal Ontario Museum’s exhibit Out of the Depths: The Blue Whale Story. It was only four years ago, but seems so much longer because museums were shuttered for most of 2020. This is our first time back
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Weekly ROMKids Show

The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) might be closed, but that doesn’t mean the learning stops … or the fun! Join Kiron Mukherjee every Tuesday afternoon at 2 pm on Instagram Live for an interactive ROMKids show. New weekly activities, stories and fun facts related to ROM collections, research and history.
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Learning With Royal Ontario Museum At Home

Continue to learn, connect and explore with the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) at home! Check out their Youtube channel for a variety of videos and resources to use from home, like the ROM story time. Each story comes with a creativity challenge and extra learning resources related to the book.
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