As a kid, there’s no greater joy than going to the toy store! The folks at Toys R Us know this and are always putting together fun and fantastic events where they showcase new toys and give you some creative ideas for how to play with the toys you already own. Pop in to one of the great Toys R Us in-store Let’s Play events to get in one all the fun (you might even be able to snag some free swag, or enter to win great prizes!)
March Events:
Saturday, March 7, 2020 – 11 am to 1 pm – Barbie Play Day
Saturday, March 28, 2020 – 11 am to 1 pm – LEGO® DOTS Make ‘N Take
Additionally, during Spring Break, Toys R Us will be hosting 5 days of fun interactive activities to help families banish boredom during those extra hours off of school! Check out the details here.
Toys R Us Let’s Play Details:
When: Dates and times vary
Where: Toys R Us locations
Cost: FREE