Young People’s Theatre (YPT) presents “Through My Eyes”, a wondrous dance production produced by the Bouge de là troupe from Montréal. In a constantly shifting wonderland where four dancers play together, this stimulating dance piece creates a vivid world of dance, colour, sounds, textures, forms and illusions. You’ll be completely immersed in this performance that’s full of surprises!

YPT Through My EyesWith themes of humility and bravery, this dance piece also explores ideas of freedom, imaginative play and joyful expression. In it, a dancer discovers a ball as they enter the stage. As she carefully moves toward it and touches it, her actions unleash the magic of the stage! Suddenly, the lights go up and uncover the scene, and shadows play tricks to transform one dancer into many. The four characters interact together in the topsy-turvy playground and discover movement in an ever-changing environment.

Specially conceived for young children aged 3 and up and recommended for kids aged 4-7 (JK-Grade 2), “Through My Eyes” invites audience members of all ages to experience the world with a fresh viewpoint. Seen through the eyes of an exploring child, “Through My Eyes” is an ode to their tireless capacity for wonder. Through the power of imagination, this show stimulates our senses and brings us back to the simple pleasures of childhood.

YPT Through My EyesAbout Bouge de là

Created, directed and co-choreographed by Artistic Director Hélène Langevin, “Through My Eyes” is the recipient of the 2019 CALQ Award for Best Choreographic Work for the 2018/2019 season in Quebec at the Prix de la danse de Montréal. Langevin describes the troupe’s work: “In a dance show, a story is told with the body rather than with words! Dance requires a sense of movement and has the power to communicate the pleasure of moving. I invite you to let this young audience react freely to the dancers’ movements.

It was such an immense pleasure for me to delve into the universe of young children. The gaze of these great explorers and their enthusiasm for discovering, manipulating and transforming the world of matter that surrounds them inspired me. Let yourself surrender to the unexpected; do not seek to understand, but rather to see with your senses! That is the experience I wish for you. Enjoy the ride!”

Young People’s Theatre (YPT): “Through My Eyes”

When: March 4-17, 2024
Time: Show times vary
Where: Young Peoples Theatre, 165 Front St. East, Toronto

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