Allan Gardens Children’s Conservatory invites kids and families the carve their very own mini-pumpkin jack-o-lantern at Allan Gardens with their Pumpkin Carving event – costumes are welcome! They supply the pumpkins and all of the carving equipment needed, but please remember to bring a plastic bag to carry your pumpkin home, and a container for your pumpkin seeds if you want to take them home for roasting.

Note: Parental supervision during the event is required. A cash donation of $5 per mini-pumpkin is suggested and all proceeds directly support the delivery of this program.

Allan Gardens Children’s Conservatory: Pumpkin Carving

When: October 28-29, 2023
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Where: Allan Gardens Children’s Conservatory (NW corner of the park), 160 Gerrard Street East, Toronto

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