TRCA owl prowl

Photo Source >>> Kortright Centre for Conservation

Discover whoooo’s out there on an evening Owl Prowl at a nearby Conservation Centre in the GTA. The night typically begins with a short presentation, followed by a trip into the woods with an on-site biologist. Enjoy the crisp winter air and peaceful dark skies of the Valley as you listen for their calls. Remember to dress appropriately for the weather as these events are completely outdoors! The cost for a ticket ranges from $7.50 to $14.50 per person and they must be purchased in advance.

Upcoming Owl Prowls:
November 5, 2020 (7-9 pm) @ Kortright Centre for Conservation
November 17, 2020 (7-9 pm) @ Kortright Centre for Conservation

Toronto Region Conservation Owl Prowl:

Phone: 416-667-6295