Normally May long weekend is the unofficial start of the summer camping season … but not this year! Ontario recently opened their provincial parks and conservation reserves, but for day use only. This update from Ontario Parks states that camping is not permitted at this time.
Fight against the disappointment by planning a fun living room or backyard campout with the kids! The Toronto Zoo wants to help you by providing some virtual campout activities on their Youtube channel this weekend. Check out the live videos at 7:45 pm on Saturday, May 16 and Sunday, May 17 for campfire songs, stories and visits from some special animal friends!
Toronto Zoo Virtual Campout:
When: May 16-17, 2020
Time: 7:45-8:45 pm EST
Where: Toronto Zoo Youtube Channel
Looking for more tips on how to keep your kids occupied during the COVID-19 crisis? Find our best ideas, activities and inspiration here!