Check out what all the buzz is about at My Gym Edmonton! My Gym is a fun-filled fitness centre just for kids that offers classes and free play/practice sessions for members as well as birthday parties and parents’ nights out.

Birthday parties at My Gym are an action packed hour and a half of non-stop fun! Birthday party packages are available to the public, members can book at a special price. At a 6th birthday party held at My Gym for one of our Family Fun Edmonton kids,  16 children spent the entire party alternating between supervised free play and structured activities like a zipline, races, an obstacle course, gauntlet  and “knock your friend off the mat with a pillow bag” all vaguely reminiscent of American Gladiators. It was pretty awesome to watch… I think some of the parents would have loved to jump in given half the chance.

The party is hosted by two staff members, and they do it all (even cut and serve the cake!) so parents can sit back and watch the fun, rather than stress about keeping everyone entertained and under a semblance of control.

My Gym recommends not serving more than cake and to open presents at home. It’s good advice, as the 90 minutes go by quickly, and there really isn’t any time for much else. Our birthday boy and some of the guests were a bit disappointed by not opening presents at the party, but I think the happy exhaustion they went home with made up for it!

Three levels of party are offered, and the two upper tiers allow for up to 20 guests plus the birthday child, so you can avoid some of the agonizing “who to invite” debates that come with some of the other party places that set lower participant limits. More information about birthday parties at My Gym Edmonton can be found on the website.

My Gym Edmonton Birthday Parties:

Where: My Gym Edmonton
Address: 232 – 91st Street SW (map)
Phone: 780-628-4440