

Alberta Aviation Museum
Soar Back in Time at the Alberta Aviation Museum

The Alberta Aviation Museum was launched more than two decades ago by a group of aviation enthusiasts that petitioned Edmonton’s city council to let them take over a historic hanger at Blatchford Field. Blatchford Field itself is quite the landmark. Named for former Edmonton Mayor Keith Alexander Blatchford (who served
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A Day Out at the Alberta Railway Museum

“My dad works for the railway!” my son proclaims proudly to all and sundry at the Alberta Railway Museum. My husband jokes he loves it so much he even spends his days off with trains (with two little boys in our house, it would be hard to avoid!) luckily at
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Got Art? Family Friendly Museum and Gallery Exhibits in Edmonton

  There is no lack of museums and galleries in this city! Check out all the latest Family Friendly Museum and Gallery Exhibits in Edmonton, and share with your kids more culture than yogurt! Touch Lab: Leave your mark! The BMO World of Creativity at the Alberta Gallery of Art
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Federal Building
Spend some time at the new Federal Building!

  We’ve had lots of summer fun over the years splashing in the fountains in front of the Legislature. This year, there is even more to do just up the hill at the new Federal Building! You may have heard a little something about the expenditure of tax dollars that
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