Earth Day is Monday, April 22, 2024! While every day is a good day to celebrate and care for the Earth, this day offers extra opportunity to come together as a community and focus on being stewards for the planet.
Here are a few ways we have found for you to celebrate Earth Day 2024 with your family in Edmonton:
Art Gallery of Alberta Tours for Tots
April 17 | Join in the weekly Tours for Tots and your 3-5 year old can learn how to transform materials slated for the recycle bin into stunning works of art! This free weekly program is included with admission (FREE for kids 17 and under).
Earth Day: The Birds & The Bees
April 20 | Celebrate Earth Day by learning about The Birds & The Bees at West Edmonton Mall! This exciting afternoon will include the chance to meet Birds of Prey from Beaverhill Bird Observatory, photo ops with the Marine Life penguins, and a chance to get the buzz from the WEM beekeeper.
Reuse Centre Earth Day Expo 2024
April 20 | Celebrate Earth Day with the Reuse Centre Earth Day Expo 2024! Plan a visit to shop the wasteless market and find unique items made by local vendors using reusable materials.
Strathma Saturday’s Planting Activity
April 20 & 27 | Bring the family to discover the Strathcona County Museum & Archives. Admission is always free for all ages, plus there are additional kids activities to enjoy during Strathma Saturday’s like crafts, music and more! In April, kids can start their own garden with a fun take-home planting activity.
Celebrate Earth Day at the North Cooking Lake Hall
April 21 | The Strathcona County Library bookmobile will be on hand at this family-friendly event and experts, including gardeners and wildlife presenters, will help you learn about the County’s ecosystem and how you can help become a steward for the earth.
Wings Over Water
April 22 | Celebrate Earth Day with a special movie presentation of Wings Over Water in support of Ducks Unlimited Canada. Tickets are just $6.99 for this breathtaking 45 minute film narrated by Michael Keaton follows the three amazing bird families as they make the epic journey across the connected rivers, lakes and wetlands in the heartland of America.
LUSH Earth Day Event
April 22 | Celebrate Earth Day with LUSH at West Edmonton Mall! Visit on April 22 to enjoy bath bomb pressing, games, and other green activities.
Community League Clean-Up Events
Varies | Several local communities leagues are hosting community clean-up events so be sure to check your local league to join in! You can also pitch in simply by taking a stroll through your neighbourhood and picking up some of the loose litter. The City of Edmonton even offers free clean-up kits through their Capital City Clean Up initiative!
Become an Earth Ranger
Anytime | Download the Earth Ranger app and sign the kids up FREE to learn more about conservation projects across Canada, discover over 20 guided missions to help make a difference in your own neighbourhood, and find hundreds of eco-friendly activities like crafts, recipes, interactive quizzes, and videos.