Watch the FREE, online, Edmonton Jewish Film Festival from May 2 – 11, 2021. This free film festival is great for older teens and parents, but not appropriate for younger children. The premiere films are about civil rights, disability, sexuality, love, history and more. Films are complemented by virtual Pub Talks and Lunch Time Chats with distinguished guest speakers to provoke conversation and thought.

Featured films include:

Sunday, May 2: Shared Legacies

Monday, May 3: Here We Are, The Film

Tuesday, May 4: Sublet

Wednesday, May 5: Love, It Was Not

Sunday, May 9: Kiss Me Kosher

Monday, May 10: Mrs. G.

Tuesday, May 11: You Only Die Twice

Edmonton Jewish Film Festival

When: May 2 – 11, 2021 (No films Thursday – Saturday)
Cost: FREE