“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” (George Bernard Shaw) What if YOU could join in the fun WITH your child? Bonnie Doon Centre is presenting an opportunity for both young and old to participate in “A Winter Community Celebration“. What will you choose? A sleigh ride, a train ride or a spin on the ice at the outdoor rink? How about ALL of the above?
Dress for the weather and be ready for excitement and winter fun as you’ll have an opportunity to catch the train for an exclusive tour around the Centre. Listen to the music and laughter as you lace up your skates for some time on the incredible outdoor rink (located on the northwest side of the centre by Entrance 4).
You’ll probably need a break after skating so let the winter celebration continue with a sleigh ride! Enjoy a magical tour gliding around Bonnie Doon Centre and listen for the crunch of the snow beneath the horses’ hooves as they pull you onward on your adventure.
Whether you’re planning for some family fun or looking to enjoy an afternoon date, Bonnie Doon Centre has got you covered with these free activities and warm hot chocolate courtesy of Café Bicyclette that will have you playing in the snow and feeling young at heart!
FREE Winter Community Celebration
When: Saturday February 22
Time: Sleigh and Train Rides 12 pm – 4 pm, Outdoor Skating Rink 12 pm – 8 pm (weather permitting)
Where: Bonnie Doon Centre, 82 Avenue & 83 Street, Edmonton
Tickets: FREE
Website: www.bonniedoonshoppingcentre.com
Notes: The train and sleigh rides are weather dependent and will operate at temperatures of -20 or warmer. Please watch the website in case there should be a need to reschedule due to colder temperatures.