Does anyone else feel like the world’s current situation sounds like a short story written by a first-grader? First, there was a bad virus, COVID-19. Next, the world ran out of toilet paper. Finally, nobody had to go to school, and all the parents had to stay home from work. They printed homeschool worksheets and tried to help their kids learn. As unrealistic as this sounds, this is the current reality. So what do you do next? How can you help your child during these uncertain times? Check out the free worksheets, resources, and suggestions that may help you navigate homeschooling while school is closed.
They have Sodoku Puzzles, Math colouring activities, Math workbooks, word searches and more.
Printable Workbooks from edHelper:
Looking for more tips on how to keep your kids occupied during the COVID-19 crisis? Find our best ideas, activities and inspiration here!