If you are looking for friendly farm animals of all sizes and types, there is no better spot than Jon’s Funny Farm! It has been on my list to check out for quite a while, and I am so glad we made the trek out to experience this absolute gem just outside Westlock.
The excitement started the moment we stepped out of the car and my 11-year-old caught a glimpse of 5 adorable piglets running through the farmyard. Her squeals of delight only got louder as she spotted the baby goats and kittens roaming nearby. Many of the animals roam freely throughout the farmyard so there was someone new and interesting to meet at every turn!
Once it was time for the tour, farmer Jon warmly welcomed us and shared the story of how his 500 acre family farm came to be filled with over 600 animals! His fondness for animals was evident during the introduction, but as he led us through the farmyard I was even more blown away by his connection with each and every animal. His love for the animals definitely shines back through in their gentle nature and eagerness to approach and interact with visitors.
The tour started with one of the most impressive animals on the farm – Rodney the bison. Because he has been hand-raised on the farm and is relatively tame, guests are able to get up close and even pet him through the fence. Our tour then moved from fur to feathers and we got to see and hold some very unique-looking varieties of chickens and ducks at the chicken coop. As we strolled, we discovered all kinds of goats, sheep, alpacas, peahens & peacocks, swans, pigs, and bunnies. Jon mentioned that his childhood dream was to have a zoo and with this many different animals, I would say he has definitely fulfilled that dream.
We met so many animals on the farm that it is hard to pick a favourite! Curly the yak definitely won my son and I’s hearts as she followed closely behind the tour group patiently waiting for pets and hugs. The goats were also a hit with both my kids, and my daughter was in her glory being able to hold day-old kids and newborn kittens. I assumed because it was past Spring that there wouldn’t be very many baby animals to meet on our visit, but Jon’s Funny Farm is always welcoming new babies!
I would have been completely satisfied with the extensive walking tour through the farmyard, but after a short break for “bunny and kitty cuddling time” there was a whole second half of the tour to embark on via a tractor & trailer ride. The second half of our tour took us out to a second section of farmland where we got to meet more alpacas, plus ponies, mini horses and cows, and miniature donkeys. My daughter loved being able to feed and interact with the friendly alpacas, and I think my favourite moment was when one of the donkeys coming straight up to me and gently nudged my hand for a pet!
It was an incredible day that left my heart completely full. It had been far too long since I have not seen my daughter get excited or smile like that and I was left in awe of how much joy can come from connecting with animals. Thank you Jon for sharing your incredible farm family with us!
All tours are by appointment and must be pre-booked via private message on the Jon’s Funny Farm Facebook page. Tours run Thursdays thru to Mondays at 9 am, 12 pm and 3 pm. Each tour is 2.5 hours long and costs $20/person (2 and under free).
Jon’s Funny Farm:
Tours are by Pre-booked APPOINTMENT ONLY
When: Tours Run Thursdays thru to Mondays
Time: Tours Times at 9:00 am, 12:00 pm & 3:00 pm
Where: Jon’s Funny Farm
Address: 58423 Range Road 11, Westlock/Pickardville, AB
Website: Facebook Page