The movie theatres are closed, but our cravings for movie theatre popcorn and snacks is still going strong. Metro Cinema to the rescue!! And just in time for Valentine’s Day and Family Day, thank you very much. Place your order by Saturday, February 13 at 10 pm and you can have movie night at home…with authentic movie theatre popcorn and candy! How about that for a perfect Covid-friendly Valentine’s date?!
If mom and dad are looking for a little something to wet their whistles, you can find those goodies through Metro Cinema, too. You can order Blindman Brewing individual cans or 4-pack samplers to go with your popcorn and snacks. At check out be sure to choose your pick-up choice of Sunday, February 14 or Monday, February 15 from 12 – 6 pm. Metro cinema staff will be popping your popcorn fresh the morning of your pick-up!
Metro Cinema Movie Theatre Popcorn Pop-up:
When: Sunday February 14 and Monday, February 15, 2021 (Orders must be submitted by February 13 at 10 pm)
Time: 12 pm – 6 pm
Where: Garneau Theatre
Address: 8712 109 St, Edmonton