Authored by Lindsay Follett at Family Fun Vancouver
Our house is over run with LEGO. And the only one who complains about that is me. My husband saved his childhood LEGO for his future children. My husband had a LOT of LEGO. And then our boys fell in love with LEGO. They have more kits than we know what to do with. And they desperately “need” more. We also have a bad habit of going to the Pick-A-Brick wall at our local store and bringing home more LEGO pieces that I’m not entirely convinced we truly needed, but the three males in my life assure me we do.
We have so much LEGO my husband actually custom built a LEGO table for our family room. Once the kids outgrew the train table – that had served us well for years – it was time for a massive LEGO table. I must say the table has held up incredibly well. And I do really appreciate having the bins to store all the little pieces.
Now if I had my way I would kragle every single kit (if you don’t understand the kragle reference, I highly recommend you watch one of the LEGO movies). But seeing as kragle would “stifle my kids’ creativity” we have devised a solution to prevent this mom from losing her mind due to the avalanche of LEGO. Built kits stay built. If a built kit gets broken, all the pieces are put into a Ziploc bag, along with the appropriate instruction manual, to be re-built at a later date. This way when the kids are craving a LEGO kit, I can pull out one we own, that they build a few years prior. However, we keep all the LEGO from my husband’s childhood, along with the LEGO we’ve purchased from the pick-a-brick wall, as the “free build” supplies. It seems to work well.
Now that we are all stuck at home for the foreseeable future, I’m loving the idea of a 30 day LEGO challenge. Let’s get those creative juices flowing. And who knows, maybe this COVID-19-quarantine will result in a whole slew of LEGO-inspired engineers.