Your children will have an unforgettable adventure this summer at Cypress Mountain Forever Camp. Excitement awaits your young explorers as they meet new friends and compete in new activities, educational exploration, and character-building adventures. Campers will be inspired as they take part in team challenges, explore during nature hikes, and join in creative workshops. To make life easier for parents and kids, lunch is included for campers daily during their week at camp.

Campers will learn, grow, and have a place to discover and imagine with a dedicated staff keeping them safe. If your little one loves adventures, this will foster their love for it and encourage them to try new things. Forever Camps have two age groups: 5-7 years and 8-12 years old and with three different rotating themes throughout the summer, children are welcome to attend all three themes or attend the same theme more than once.Cypress Mountain Forever Camp

Cypress Mountain Forever Camp Themes

Every theme includes unique and engaging camp activities plus Cypress Mountain Activities like Axe Throwing and the Coaster (for ages 8 plus only.)

The Adventure Quest theme will inspire young explorers to develop wilderness explorers safely and confidently. Campers will learn about survival skills, go on hiking expeditions, play games, and plan trips.

Peak Education will focus on nature, history, and science. Kids will learn about the historical journey in the local area and be taught how to live a sustainable future. Hands-on experiences will allow them to explore the natural environment through hikes, exploring flora and fauna and participating in nature art and games.

The Mountain Minds theme will help campers combine adventure and teamwork to help them become confident explorers. This camp will have strategy and team activities, group nature art and activities, and it will teach campers healthy group dynamics.

Register your kids now for an amazing week they won’t forget.Cypress Mountain Forever Camp

Cypress Mountain Forever Camp

When: Summer 2024
Where: Cypress Mountain, 6000 Cypress Bowl Road, West Vancouver BC