Today, I found an internet treasure. A simple photograph from a local pizza place, that cheered me up so much, I had to share it. Here are the reasons why:
1. Today is Thursday and in internet land that means TBT! This photo shows a payphone. Does anyone use a payphone anymore? If you would like to experience the weight of an old MT&T receiver, I guess you’d better head to Recardo’s on the Peggy’s Cove Road (although right now, I suspect that this payphone is buried under six feet of snow!).
2. I have a personal love affair with Recardo’s Pizza that began when I was a student at Tantallon Junior High School in the late 1980’s. Fridays were Pizza Day and it was always a great event! Did you have Pizza Day when you were at school?
3. They say a picture speaks a thousand words, but this one says just four: “Summer in Nova Scotia”. Look at the all the green! It won’t be long now. Summer is just around the corner, I promise.
4. Ice Cream and Fish and Chips. These too, are only a few short months away.
5. Last but not least, the 15 million lottery win sign makes me hopeful. With my abysmal luck at this season’s Roll Up The Rim contest from Tim Horton’s, I think I may try playing the lottery instead. Wish me luck!
I hope you enjoyed this little burst of Nova Scotian Sunshine. If it cheered you up, please share, and remember, Summer is just around the corner!