“Mooooooooom, I’m boooooooored!” Stop right there! Do not pass go, do not collect $200 – head straight to canada.michaels.com and find inspiration for cool (and easy!) kids’ crafts! The Michaels “Projects” tab has how-to tips for crafters of all ages, but we especially like the section called Kids’ Crafts. There you’ll find simple crafts (along the lines of projects they offer in their popular Saturday Kids’ Club activities) many of which use items you’ll already have around the house!
If there is a craft you are after, Michaels has the solution! From Rainbow Loom projects to pipe cleaner crafts and and popsicle stick creations, their Boredom Busters site is chalk full of great activities for the kids.
Cool Kids’ Craft Ideas from Michaels:
Website: canada.michaels.com
Looking for more tips on how to keep your kids occupied during the COVID-19 crisis? Find our best ideas, activities and inspiration here!