<a href="https://www.familyfuncanada.com/vancouver/giant-pumpkin-weigh-off/1174803_523407924401592_880190181_n/" rel="attachment wp-att-12381"><img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-12381" src="https://www.familyfuncanada.com/vancouver/files/2013/10/1174803_523407924401592_880190181_n-450x299.jpg" alt="Aldor Acres Pumpkin Weigh Off" width="450" height="299" /></a>Come out to the Fraser Valley and visit Krause Berry Farms to see some ginormous pumpkins! Krause Berry is hosting the official Great Pumpkin Commonwealth and Certified World Recognized Giant Pumpkin Weight-Off. Come hungry as Krause Berry has all sorts of pumpkin-themed treats: pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin pie, pumpkin waffles, pumpkin milkshake, pumpkin fudge and more. <h2>Giant Pumpkin Weigh Off:</h2> <strong>When</strong>: October 3, 2015 <strong>Time</strong>: 9:30 - 5pm (weight off starts at 11:30) <strong>Where</strong>: Krause Berry Farms <strong>Address</strong>: 6179 248th Street Langley <strong>Website</strong>: <a title="Aldor Acres Facebook" href="http://krauseberryfarms.com/index.php" target="_blank">www.krauseberryfarms.com</a> <h2><span style="color: #cc6666;">LOVE hearing about things happening in your area? Sign up <a href="http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=glqvzncab&p=oi&m=1102122238310&sit=p8bcmkjdb" target="_blank">HERE</a> to get<span style="color: #66cccc;"> MORE </span></span><span style="color: #cc6666;">info about news, events and attractions delivered to your inbox, it's</span><span style="color: #66cccc;"> FREE!</span></h2> <em>Although we do our best to provide you with accurate information, all event details are subject to change. Please contact the facility to avoid disappointment.</em>Come out to the Fraser Valley and visit Krause Berry Farms to see some ginormous pumpkins! Krause Berry is hosting the official Great Pumpkin Commonwealth and Certified World Recognized Giant Pumpkin Weight-Off. Come hungry as Krause Berry has all sorts of pumpkin-themed treats: pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin pie, pumpkin waffles, pumpkin milkshake, pumpkin fudge and more.

Giant Pumpkin Weigh Off:

When: October 5, 2019
Time: 10:30am – 2:30pm (weight off starts at 11:30)
Where: Krause Berry Farms
Address: 6179 248th Street Langley