I’m embarrassingly out of shape. But I didn’t realize how bad it was until I started PE With Joe. Every day Joe, a lovely happy, peppy guy from the UK, shares his 30 minute exercise videos on YouTube. The sessions are get fun, geared towards kids and families, and require no equipment other than your body.

We started, as a family, exercising on March 31st. My body started hating me with a vehemence I’ve never experienced during the evening of March 31st. My husband, who runs 5km almost daily, is feeling a little stiff. My kids are feeling absolutely fine. I’m a complete disaster. Going up and down stairs has me squawking in pain. It is utterly pathetic.

But our family is having fun. We are working out together. We are exercising as a group. We are laughing. We finish our collective work-school days with PE With Joe at 3:30. As all of the videos are on YouTube you can, obviously, exercise any time of the day.

Here’s hoping by the end of this quarantine, my leg muscles will have forgiven me and I will be in infinitely better shape.

PE with Joe - Dress Fancy(And in case providing free exercise for all of us wasn’t enough, the amazing Joe Wicks is taking all of the advertising revenue he is making from his YouTube videos and donating it to the NHS – the health care organization in the UK where he lives.)

PE With Joe:

Facebook: www.facebook.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com