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Virtual Experiences
8 Can’t-Miss Virtual Experiences Parents and Kids Can Enjoy Together

Screen Time – it’s that double-edged sword we as parents lament on a daily basis. We’ve all heard the expert rules on limiting screens, but let’s face it – with school cancelled, most parents just really, really need a break! We’ll take it one step further – why not enjoy
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Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems

The loveable Mo Willems, author of the beloved Pigeon books, is helping keep kids entertained and learning during COVID-19. Every day Mo Willems is inviting you into his studio for a drawing session. Kids, adults, grandparents around the world are encouraged to draw, doodle, and explore new ways of creating
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Toilet Paper Crafts
30+ Toilet Paper Crafts To Entertain the Kids During COVID-19

So you’ve stocked up on a gazillion rolls of toilet paper. The kids are about to be off school for March Break and we are dealing with COVID-19 which has everyone working on social-distancing strategies. We’ve sourced a ton of ideas for toilet paper roll crafts to help you keep
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