I’ll be honest, I live in fear of my kids’ birthday party. As their birthdates are only 7 days apart, we do a combo party. I have found every party exhausting…I run around like a chicken with its head cut off, I remember none of the party and am completely wiped by the end of the two hours. This year, I got it right….I hired the Vancouver Tumblebus!
The Vancouver Tumblebus opened earlier this year. A huge yellow school bus, with its seats removed, has been converted into a gym on wheels for kids. It is FANTASTIC!
The Tumblebus pulled up right outside our house. The kids streamed from our front door onto the bus and played, hard, for an hour. The bus was rocking, happy kid-friendly tunes poured out, and smiley faces flew by the windows as they toured the obstacle courses. The funniest part was all the adults standing on their tippy-toes peering in the bus windows. (Tip for your party: provide stepping stools or benches for the parents to stand on so they can watch).
I was very impressed by the variety of activities and the new components introduced throughout the hour. The two women who ran our Tumblebus session did an excellent job of occupying the kids. The kids were given loads of free play time (e.g. climbing wall, ball pit, slides, tunnels, bouncy balls, trampoline and more) and structured activities (such as sac races and turns on the zip-line) were introduced at strategic times throughout the hour. The children at our party ranged in age from 2.5 – 5.5 years, it was a perfect age group for this activity.
The Vancouver Tumblebus has two birthday packages: the Gold Package ($250) includes a one-hour session with two instructors, invitations for your party, phenomenal goody bags, a Tumblebus t-shirt for the birthday child, and a medal ceremony at the end of the event. The Silver Package ($175) includes everything except the invitations and the goody bags. The Vancouver Tumblebus also has packages set up for day cares and preschools!
I can’t say enough wonderful things about our Vancouver Tumblebus experience! For the first time, ever, I was able to enjoy our kids’ birthday party. Our kids haven’t stopped talking about their Tumblebus experience; be sure to check out the Vancouver Tumblebus for your kid’s next birthday.