Are you looking for some singing, a little dancing and acting, and a vibrant, engaging place for kids to enjoy this summer? Then it’s time to hit the stage and showcase your child’s dramatic talent! Stagecoach School for the Performing Arts – Calgary has fun and educational summer camps to light up your summer. Your kids will learn and develop a love for the performing arts, but they will also build their confidence and learn important life skills.

Stagecoach Calgary is a well-respected and long-established performing arts school for kids and youth, renowned for programs that educate kids in acting, singing, and dancing. Classes are taught by enthusiastic and experienced professionals. They draw out the best in young actors and help their students grow toward a full and dynamic life. Through taking ‘safe risks’ on stage, kids learn resiliency and poise to carry them through whatever life holds.

Stagecoach Summer Camps (Family Fun Calgary)

Summer camps at Stagecoach are offered for kids ages 5 – 12 and 9 – 15. Kids will have fun, make new friends, and have an opportunity to showcase their new skills at the end of each camp. No experience is necessary for these camps — just a willingness to give something a try! Do your kids love Taylor Swift or Disney? Maybe their imagination would embrace Superheroes vs. Villains or they want to try a Broadway Musical Mashup. Whatever camp they choose, it’s sure to be a fun-filled summer!

Save money when you register more than one child, but register soon for Stagecoach summer camps, as these camps sell out quickly! This summer, give your child or youth an experience they’ll always remember. You’ll give a standing ovation from the sidelines as you celebrate everything they’ve learned!

Stagecoach Summer Camps:

When: July 8 – August 23, 2024
Time: 9 am – 4 pm
Where: Lakeview United Church
Address: 3023 63 Ave SW, Calgary, AB

Need more ideas? Find our Summer Camp Guide here.