Deb Lowther

If You Eat Healthy, Does Your Family Need To Take a Multi Vitamin?

We welcome back Deborah Lowther this week to discuss the importance of vitamins in our diets. As the owner of Adult Essentials and Iron Kids, she may have a vested interest but her points are sound. In our family we take multi-vitamins (when mommy brain here remembers to buy them…)
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The Secret To Better Health for Families

We are happy to have Deb Lowther, a founder of Adult Essentials Gummies and Iron Kids Nutrition, back with us this week talking about the not-so-secret to better health… What if I told you I had the secret to better health, easier weight control, more energy, more restful sleep, and
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mac and cheese
Fast Foods That Are Healthy? Quick Alternatives to Fast Food

We are happy to have Deb Lowther, a founder of Adult Essentials Gummies and Iron Kids Nutrition as our guest today. Deb is a mom of 3 who knows how hard it is to get meals on the table that are healthy and full of good nutrition for kids and
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Nutrition for Kids: How to Raise a Healthy Eater

The rates of childhood obesity are reaching epidemic proportions in Canada.  Increased consumption of processed food and fast food combined with lack of exercise are the primary factors behind the epidemic. Obesity can lead to early onset type 2 diabetes and hormone imbalance in teens as well as many other
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