

halloween collage
Halloween fun with decorations and Disney Jr

BOO! Did I scare you? No? Well, I’ll just have to practice some more! We’ve been in full blown Halloween decorating mode around our home because we have to keep up with the neighbours who have tombstones, bats, a full sized blow up Frankenstein, a giant inflatable black cat (nick-named
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Feed a Child’s Imagination with Books for Treats on Halloween

There’s something amazing about getting decked out in our craziest costumes and heading out for a night of trick-or-treating every Halloween. But, what if the treats could feed kids minds instead of their cavities? This year across Canada, in collaboration with a creative crew of community organizations Books For Treats™
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REDIRECTED TO HALLOWEEN TAG National Costume Swap Day Canada

The kids are back in school. Your schedule is almost all yours for at least a few hours every day. Coffees are sipped while still hot. Life is good. Then, you have visions of Halloween. Before you gulp hard thinking up ways to distract your 7-year-old long enough to keep
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Is it Halloween or Christmas in October?
Is it Halloween or Christmas in October?

At the risk of sounding “seinfeldian”, have you ever noticed that the Christmas stuff is coming out earlier and earlier? It used to be it came out around the end of November, now it really ramps up the day after Halloween. I fully expect the day will come that we
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