My 10 year old son’s favourite day is April Fool’s Day. It’s his opportunity to roll out all his throughly researched pranks on his parents without getting into too much trouble. Last year on April 1st he woke me up with promises of coffee and a hot breakfast only to double over in laughter as I walked into a wall of cling wrap that he taped across my bedroom door. He giggled over that prank for weeks. WestJet Airlines loves to prank their guests each year as well. This year they have introduced #RALF, the Robotic Automated Light Food Handler a robot that eliminates the need for a food and beverage cart which blocks aisles and instead operates on a track overhead above the aisle as an innovative technology designed to improve the comfort of their guests inflight.

No Foolin’ Just Savin’ Sale
WestJet is offering a No Foolin’ Just Savin’ Sale from $99.00 one way.
Book by Tuesday, April 5, 2016 for travel from Friday, April 1, 2016 through Wednesday, July 13, 2016; and from Wednesday, September 7, 2016 through Monday, October 31, 2016 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for most destinations in Canada, USA, Mexico, the Caribbean and Europe.