Be original! Be creative! Be part of the new Canada Day Challenge!
So goes the slogan of a new contest for kids who live anywhere in Canada! The Canada Day Challenge is a new initiative grown out of the now defunct Canada Day Poster Challenge. Kids age 8 to 18 are invited to submit a piece of creative work in the medium of their choice that’s inspired by this year’s theme, Canada: Strong and Free. Kids can draw, take photos, write a story, or follow their creative muse wherever it may take them.
Naturally, there are prizes! Participating kids could win a VIP invitation to attend Canada Day 2013 events on Parliament Hill or other great prizes. Submissions are due on March 22 — check out the Canada Day Challenge website for a full list of rules and details on how you can submit your work!
Canada Day Challenge 2013 Details:
Due: March 22, 2013
Open to: Kids in Canada age 8-18
Although we do our best to provide you with accurate information, all event details are subject to change. Please contact the facility to avoid disappointment.