Last year, when the Grey Cup was held in Vancouver, my husband and I, along with our friends visiting from Calgary, headed down to the convention centre to take part in the team parties. I waited in line for a photo with the coveted Grey Cup and we all had a good time that night, never thinking much of the videographers wandering around. Fast forward almost a year and I got a phone call from my in-laws who were watching a Calgary Stampeders game and said I was on TV!

Turns out my 2 seconds of fame comes courtesy of some footage shot at the Grey Cup Festival now being used in a commercial to promote the Grey Cup Tour, a 40 stop train tour of CFL memorabilia in honor of the 100th Grey Cup, which started yesterday in Vancouver.


Running drills with the Train in the background

So of course we had to check it out!! Dressed in our Stampeders gear, a bold move according to some folks in BC Lions wear, we headed down with our kids to Pacific Station to see the train and partake of the festivities. There are 3 train cars; one with history and memorabilia of the CFL, one with the Grey Cup (where you can get your picture taken with the cup) and the final car set up as a player’s locker room where you can see your favorite players uniforms and watch on TV monitors as winning coaches give their pep talks over the speakers. There was a stage with live music, a tent set up with hand prints and footprints of current quarterbacks so you could see how you stack up, a merchandise booth, a spot where kids could run a football drill and much more fun stuff for the whole family.

My 5 year old’s hand has a way to go before he’s as big as Calgary Stampeder’s QB Drew Tate!


My daughter catching a pass

The Grey Cup Tour continues in the Vancouver area until September 11, 2012 and will roll into the Calgary area on September 20, 2012.

Go down and check it out, but keep in mind that the train is not stroller friendly!

PS I apologize for the terrible quality of my pictures! My camera died and all I had was my phone! 🙁

Photo with the grey cup

Our family with the Grey Cup