I’ve decided I want servants. Not just the occasional cleaning lady, or baby-sitter, but full-time, live-in servants and I’ll need at least 2. My servants can do all the laundry; washing, folding, ironing and putting away! One can take the kids after dinner to clean them up and put them to bed while the other mixes after dinner cocktails for my husband and I. I like cooking, but someone else can clear away the dishes and wash up in the kitchen. Is this too much to ask for? Yes, I know I’m hallucinating, but it is fun to dream sometimes!

Today is a quiet at home day for us. We all need those don’t we? No appointments, no commitments, no play dates and no expectations! This morning, there is laundry to be folded and all the ironing to be done (hence my wanting servants…) After lunch we will go run one errand, pop in at the public library for some books and DVD’s and end up at one of this city’s fine parks to run off some energy. Inevitably, my kids will spend 5 minutes on the equipment and about 30 minutes playing with the gravel, but the days are getting shorter and cooler and pretty soon, we will just be dreaming of going outside (rather than dreaming of servants….)

Cheers everyone, and have a great day with your kids!
