We love the holidays. Nothing is better than that magical time of year when you get to convene with family and friends, indulge in all of your favourite food and drinks of the season, and share gifts with loved ones. From mid-November right through to the New Year, for our families, it’s all holiday cheer, all of the time.
But, in addition to the fun and frivolity, the holiday season so often means money out of your pocket on presents, food, beverages and decorations. One of the best things you can do to avoid a new year’s cash hangover, is set a budget for holiday spending. Then you can make the most of holiday spending by maximizing your AIR MILES reward miles. AIR MILES reward miles allow you to indulge in much more than just vacations (though, we wouldn’t talk you out of treating yourself to a nice trip after the holidays are over and Canadian winter really sets in) and there are loads of ways that you can make the most of them over the holiday months.
1. Take advantage of an AMEX AIR MILES Credit Card
Your AMEX Air Miles Credit Card will help you earn reward miles faster than you’d believe. Amex AIR MILES Cardmembers can earn reward miles twice when shopping at participating AIR MILES Sponsors across Canada — once with the Amex AIR MILES Credit Card and then a second time using their AIR MILES Collector Card. Use it for all of your holiday shopping and grocery purchases and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll earn rewards!
2. Buy Your Gifts at airmilesshops.ca
Online shopping is a great way to check off the items on your gift list without having to brave the chaos of the malls. Shopping online at airmilesshops.ca is even better because you can use the reward miles that you’ve accumulated with other shopping to buy things your family and friends will love! Cardmembers earn reward miles twice when shopping at participating AIR MILES Sponsors through airmilesshops.ca including Victoria’s Secret, Gap, Toys R Us, Roots, The Apple Store Canada, and countless others, so you’re bound to find the perfect gift for everyone on your list. And you don’t even have step foot in a shopping mall! Did I already say that? It bears repeating; no mall parking lots or crowds!
3. Special Perks!
The benefits don’t end with the reward miles themselves! American Express AIR MILES Credit Card holders get Front of the Line access to special entertainment events, allowing you to snag prime tickets to a special concert and slip them into someone’s stocking on Christmas morning. There are also travel perks, like American Express Assured Reservations and 100,000 Travel Accident Insurance, which can definitely come in handy if you’re traveling to spend the holidays with loved ones in another city.
4. Special Offers
Make sure you “Like” the American Express Canada Facebook page to learn more information and take advantage of Offers that will help you collect reward miles faster! For example, make a purchase at airmilesshops.ca from November 12 – 19, 2013 with your Amex AIR MILES Card and earn 125 Bonus reward miles!
This post was sponsored by Amex Bank of Canada. The views and opinions expressed in this blog, however, are purely my own.