
Convenient, tasty and healthful too? Sign me up!

I try to eat healthy foods, I do. I have every good intention of planning and executing meals for my family that hold a rainbow of colours with vitamins and omega oils and whatever latest nutrient has the mom-o-sphere abuzz.

But sometimes we eat cereal and cheese strings for supper. Not even good cereal. The brightly coloured kind.

I know I can’t rely on gummie vitamins to fill in the nutritional blanks.

Enter Kiss Me Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder. And I do. I do want to kiss them. Because, while you can’t get through a day without hearing “superfood,” Kiss Me Organics really have found it. It’s no wonder they are the number one seller in the grocery category on!

What else can you slip into a smoothie or bake into cupcakes that helps increase endurance, concentration AND metabolism? And it is full of antioxidants, which means I will probably start getting IDed at the liquor store again. A price I am willing to pay.

Matcha is the stuff that is traditionally used in Japanese tea ceremonies, although it is not tea leaves like we are used to seeing. Instead of steeping tea leaves in boiling water, the leaves of the plant are steamed and powdered then mixed into a frothy brew.

The taste is a fresh green tea flavour, not a hold your nose and choke it down kind of thing—I’m looking at you wheatgrass. My first experience with matcha was as ice cream at a Japanese restaurant. As I like to say, I won’t scream if it’s in ice cream! [Okay, I’ve never said that before. But I’m going to start.]

As an added bonus, it is bright green and was once a staple of the Japanese warrior diet, so kids who are into that (mine, for instance) will gobble up “that Samurai stuff!” Moderation is key, particularly for kids… I know mine have energy to spare without a boost! The level of caffeine wouldn’t be too bad in most of the recipes for food, but keep stuff like the tea and non-dairy lattes for yourself.

Don’t worry if you are a matcha neophyte. The thoughtful folks at Kiss Me Organics will email a free 70 page recipe book to their first time customers, full of tasty recipe ideas. The amount of matcha powder called for in most of the recipes means that the taste doesn’t overpower the dish, a benefit when dealing with selective eaters. The Kiss Me brand is some potent stuff…you don’t need much to reap the benefits!


Check it out on for yourself, your body will thank you!

Sponsored By Kiss Me Organics – 100% organic, tested for purity, and contains more than 137x the antioxidants found in a cup of brewed tea.