

Bird watching can be done in any destination - Photo Carol Patterson
Bird Watching 101 – In Any City, Town or Country

Originally Published March 27, 2020 Is it time to switch from the news channel to the bird channel? Watching birds can be done anywhere – even in urban environments and has big health benefits. Researchers in England revealed people living in neighbourhoods with more birds and trees experienced less depression,
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Barred owl seen at Derby Reach Regional Park near Langley. Photo John Geary
BC Bird Trail Offers an Easy Way for Families to Enjoy Nature

In British Columbia, “bird” has always been the word when it comes to family-friendly nature activities. And bird-watching in BC just got even easier, as several tourism organizations have pooled resources to create the BC Bird Trail. It’s a series of self-guided trails throughout southwestern BC designed to encourage passionate
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Teen friendly La Paz Swim with Sharks
5 Teen-Approved Activities in La Paz

Teens, and their slightly younger counterparts, tweens, are an amusing yet enraging bunch. Acting loving one minute, sullen the next, endlessly excited about the smallest things, yet equally overwhelmed by them, you just never know what you are going to get. Planning a vacation with such capricious creatures can be a
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Canada's nicest buttes
Our Greatest Assets – Canada’s Nicest Buttes!

Butte noun \ˈbyüt\ (noun) :  an isolated hill or mountain with steep or precipitous sides or crevices usually having a small summit area Canada is a natural wonderland! With more miles of coastline than anywhere on the planet, grandiose mountain ranges, vast expanses of unspoiled tundra, majestic plains, and more
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Hoodoos: The Silent Giants of the Badlands

In a great big world that seems to move faster every day, a trip to Alberta’s southern Badlands is the perfect vacation to discover a little something about yourself. It’s not just the massive and famous Royal Tyrell Museum where you can get up close and personal with the creatures
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Aurora in Alaska
Picture Yourself with the Aurora in Alaska

Discover the jaw-dropping beauty of the aurora in Alaska for yourself! The Northern Lights are one of the most dazzling sights a person can witness, but if you aren’t lucky enough to live in a spot that is sufficiently north or sufficiently dark, they may remain a spectacle you only
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