To stay or not stay? The dreaded baby-in-a-hotel-room conundrum is enough to get any travelling parent’s head spinning. What are the best sleeping arrangements? To flush or not to flush after that 2am pee break? Will the light from the Kindle be enough to disturb your little one’s descent into sleep? Is there some alternative to hitting the hay at 7:30? All of these questions and the threat of disturbed sleep on holiday are often enough to put a parent off travelling entirely. If that’s you, take heart and give these simple tricks a try before throwing in the towel completely…

baby in your hotel room

7 Tips for Surviving the Night with a Baby in Your Hotel Room

1/ When booking, the phone is your friend

Most hotel bookings are done online these days, but when you’re looking to book with a baby in tow, the phone is your friend! Call the hotel directly and let them know your situation. Hotel rooms come in all shapes and sizes, and they may have a suggestion as to which will best suit your needs. At the very least you can let them know to have a travel cot set up upon your arrival.

2/ Suites are Sweet

If you’re looking for a bit of separation so you and your partner can stay up and watch a bit of TV or enjoy some time together, getting a suite may be your best option. A second room ensures that you don’t have to turn out your lights at baby bedtime and gives you the peace of mind that you will not wake your little one if you need to use the bathroom!

3/ Baby Monitor on the Balcony

Failing an entirely separate room, it is sometimes possible to secure accommodation with a balcony. A bit of fresh air, a baby monitor, and some movies you downloaded off Netflix can be your ticket to some of that much-desired adult time when you’re on holiday.

4/ Cozy Up with a Kindle

If you do decide to stick it out in the room with your little one but aren’t quite ready for some shut-eye, why not catch up on some reading after they’ve drifted off? Cozy up with your Kindle or if you fancy a movie, plug in some headphones and watch one on the device of your choice.

5/ Stick to the Bedtime Plan

With so many things in flux while you’re on holiday, it is wise to stick to your home bedtime plan as much as possible. If your baby is used to co-sleeping, you’ll want to make sure your hotel bed is big enough to accommodate. If your baby is used to their own space at bedtime, try to create something similar even if it is just placing the travel cot around the corner, behind a piece of furniture, or even in a large closet. Whatever the case, don’t forget the stuffies and favourite blanket.

6/ Take Turns

If you’re on the road with your partner, take turns slipping out for an hour or two. For many parents of young children, alone time is gold! Why not use some of that time after baby is bed to enjoy some vacation time solo?!

7/ Explore Other Accommodations

If the thought of holing up with your little one in a hotel room still fills you with dread, why not explore other accommodations? Air BnB or VRBO, for example, offer a myriad of arrangements allowing you to choose anything from a traditional bed and breakfast arrangement to renting a condo or an entire house. Find the one that suits your needs and budget.

There’s never a time you need a holiday more than when you have young kids. Best of luck on employing our tips on how to survive the night with a baby in a hotel room!